Tag Archives: civil war

Erik’s Essentials: 03/16/12

16 Mar

1) Reggie

This is my new best friend. He is a total chill bud and always down to cuddle. Why spend hundreds on a pet store pet when you can rescue one for cheap? His eyes are real buggy and he kneads all of the time.

2) Shelby Foote/Ken Burns’ Civil War/History

As you can tell, I’m on a history kick. My Nana and Papaw Felton are history buffs, so this is just one of many good traits I’ve inherited from them. The writer Shelby Foote is featured in the PBS documentary (on Netflix!) extensively and has awesome quotes + anecdotes. Plus his voice is so cooool.


Perhaps the greatest quote of his:

Any understanding of this nation has to be based, and I mean really based, on an understanding of the Civil War. I believe that firmly. It defined us . . . And it is very necessary, if you are going to understand the American character in the twentieth century, to learn about this enormous catastrophe of the mid-nineteenth century. It was the crossroads of our being, and it was a hell of a crossroads.

America is one to romanticize wars and the Civil War is no exception. Something that strikes a particular chord in all of us is that friends fought friends, students fired upon their instructors and different regions across the country played unimaginable roles.

The surprising and crucial fight between the 15th Alabama and 20th Maine at Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg is particularly interesting – the town of Gettysburg is practically dead center between the two states.

Being in The South and learning of the War and having the opportunity to see numerous battlegrounds (something I’ve always wanted to do is see as many sites as possible) is exciting. Plus, Davidson County is (I think) the land of the Fox clan, so I’m going to start some genealogy work when I get there.

The little joys in life: Battleground at Mossy Creek

14 Mar

Have you ever experienced one of those moments that are purely coincidental and bring a smile to your face because of it?

It happened to me today, just a half-mile from where I am (temporarily) living in Tennessee.

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