Tag Archives: Bikes

The little joys in life: Battleground at Mossy Creek

14 Mar

Have you ever experienced one of those moments that are purely coincidental and bring a smile to your face because of it?

It happened to me today, just a half-mile from where I am (temporarily) living in Tennessee.

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Internet: What to do when you don’t have it.

1 Feb

College prepares its students for a lot of life’s challenges and obstacles, but one thing it currently fails miserably on is what said students would do without 24/7 access to the Internet.

The Internet, in recent years, has made us totally dependent on its vast network of readily accessible information—so much so that we forget how to actually use our brains.

The Internet is equal parts awesome and awful.

For every well designed and informative website, there are probably 100 unintelligent and poorly designed crap holes. The Internet, more than likely, holds all the information about anything we could ever dream of knowing. But, unfortunately, we’ve lost the ability to sift through all the bullshit.

No one will ever discover the cure for cancer because everyone in the developed world is too busy looking at pictures of cats.

So then there’s me. I go from 24/7 access to the Internet to maybe being able to get online once or twice every 3 days. A significant change when you consider when I wasn’t in class, napping or with my girlfriend I was on the Internet doing nothing important whatsoever. What does one do when the craziness of school, the proximity of a girlfriend and access to the internet suddenly change? That my friend, is a very good question.

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Erik’s Essentials: 12/2/11

2 Dec

1) This bike jersey

My folks picked it up at the Hilly Hundred in October. Looks like I have to ride more often, now.

2) This picture of my papaw’s band

Just found this recently. That’s him on the drums—look at that snare! So much tilt.

3) Boston

Visited the city last week when my mom flew in for Thanksgiving. I love this place and wish I lived there. Soon. It’s always on my mind these days, and I learn/find something new each time I visit.