Tag Archives: southside diner

Erik’s Essentials: 12/16/11

16 Dec

Here are some things that got me through the week.

1) American Crew fiber

After getting a haircut at a real barbershop Friday, I decided it was time to get a little more serious about my hair. Mine is fluffy, straight and prone to grease so I needed something with hold and a more matte finish. Enter American Crew fiber, which is picked up for $15 for a 3 oz. container at Wally World. Smells a little like soap and doesn’t make your hair all crusty. In fact, it gives you a nice all day hold.

I am now on my way to looking more and more like James Dean.

2) The Millenium Trilogy

Here’s the thing: I watched all three of these movies in one day via Netflix. I can’t say I particularly enjoyed every minute of it, or that even enjoyed the whole trilogy overall. However: Finishing it was one of those things where you give a sigh of relief and say, “Well, now I don’t have to wonder what all of the fuss is about.”

Being in the journalism world, I suppose there was a little bit of relevancy. Would I risk my life to uncover a secretive, Soviet-defector-backing, murderous group while sparing a H4x0r babe from the system? Depends on how much beer I get out of it.

3) A French Press

I’ve always wanted one. So I got one.

I like bold coffee. You know, that black-as-night, week-old, all-night-diner strong stuff. The Southside Diner deserves that credit. I also get the number one-selling Cuban coffee in the U.S – Cafe Bustelo cafe espresso. It’s dark and bitter! (Not to mention cheap at your local Stop & Shop, all you east coasters.)

Apparently, the French press allows more natural flavor and oils into the coffee. Whatever. It does taste damn better than my ancient Mr. Coffee. Just boil some water, add the grounds, pour the water and press the plunger, and wait five minutes. Best. Coffee. Ever.