Erik’s Essentials: 03/02/12

2 Mar

Many things are going on my life right now. Here’s a few things that have helped.

1) My fiancee

seashell beach!

I moved to TN this week. This is the result of waking up on the first day of 2012 and realizing I needed a change. Bri (fortunately) encouraged me to take a leap and try something new. Moving 1,000 to a strange, new land is something I have some experience in now—but it’s a lot easier when someone you love and know is nearby.

Not sure why I waited so long to be closer to her in the first place. But oh well.

2) My dad + doofus brothers

last year, paintball + casino. this year: tattoos.

These three dudes came to MA to rescue me/help move. It was awesome. Their only request was to sample the fine craft brew in the region (which there is plenty of—this state is loaded with good beers and breweries), so we are took Boston and Cape Cod by storm and swilled a growler or two.

Also: Sam Adams party trolley . . . DOYLE’S.

And: We all got tattoos.

3) Travels with Charley, by John Steinbeck

I first read this book two years ago, on a Greyhound to and from TN. Simply put, it had a profound effect on me. I’d experienced the itch to travel before, but not like after reading this book. Making this move to TN makes me feel at ease, knowing that I’m following the path I want. Being restless and wanting to pack up and leave every eight months or so can’t be too horrible.

The first paragraph alone is a gem. Here’s a good quote:

When the virus of restlessness begins to take possession of a wayward man, and the road away from Here seems broad and straight and sweet, the victim must first find himself a good and sufficient reason for going.

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